Arta plus minibus

New product of Sabalan Khodro Myone, Arta plus minibus launched to market based on Sabalan Khodro's principle "Let's Make it Good"

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Arta minibus

Arta minibus, a new generation of urban transport, offers unique services to passengers.

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New product of Sabalan Khodro Myone is a 12 meter Artabus that introduced to market with the slogan of Sabalan Khodro is an environment lover.

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Test Drive

After completing the registration form, our staff will contact you and give additional information on how and when to do test drive.


Social Responsibility

We are responsible to the community

We have a large family in Sabalan Khodro and human resource is the heart of Sabalan Khodro. In our view it is very important to provide a safe, healthy and occupational environment for its employee. Under such circumstances, Sabalan khodro’s human capitals can boost their professional skills and they can have individual development. Employment and increasing staff skills while job creation for drivers, with financial facilities, have contributed to the improvement of the standard of living and social well-being. Sabalan Khodro not only has become a leading automotive manufacturer in Ardabil province, but also provided economic growth and flourishing in this area. Sponsoring college festivals, factory visit and so on to promote a fuel consumption optimization culture, clean air and… are the other activities of the company that are working to fulfill their social commitment.

We believe in clean air

Our policy in Sabalan Khodro is based on the production of environmentally friendly products. Sabalan Khodro attempts to offer a variety of solution to reduce fuel consumption and to prevent the loss of energy and biological resources. This significant issue has been found in the automotive production lines and products of Sabalan Khodro. Upgrading the Vehicle Emission standards, using of new and advanced engines and gearboxes, helping in renew of all aged transport vehicles in transportation system, developing of public transport system transmission of fuel to CNG, are listed as our solutions to diminish the pollution and access the clean air.

We are responsible to the community, to maintain security and to create peace of mind among our peers

Developing and strengthening the public transport system and extending public transport capacity are the duties of citizenship of automobile manufacturers. Providing popular, modern and attractive products in the public transportation industry will change the citizen’s approach to using public transportation and will change significantly reduce cars with one passenger in metropolitan cities. The products of Sabalan Khodro with its high capabilities, safety, passenger comfort and the design are the perfect solutions for reducing the traffic.
